Bedscape Designs
Art Quilts For Beds and Walls


(posted on 24 Mar 2016)

If you would like to have a star sewn on for yourself or a family member please email me at


Thank you for your support,



"Banner honors veterans in Amherst


AMHERST — Behind each star lies a name and a story of service.

In an effort to honor local veterans, Rebecca Fricke, 48, of Amherst is meticulously stitching blue and gold fabric stars onto a redand- white flag. So far she has about 20 people interested in being represented, and she hopes that number will grow.

“My only criteria: They consider themselves from Amherst and they served in some capacity,” she said, sitting and sewing at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst on a recent afternoon.

The blue stars represent veterans of any era, while the gold stand for those who died in service.

Fricke and fellow members of the Western Massachusetts Fiber Artists are planning an exhibit at the Amherst History Museum that will run from May through September, full of artwork inspired by items in the museum’s collection.

Fricke said she was moved to begin her flag after seeing a World War I service banner made by the North Congregational Church. The flags, which first came into use during that conflict, are traditionally hung in windows to honor a family member serving in war.

“Wouldn’t it be cool if I made a service flag for all of Amherst?” she recalled thinking when she saw the museum piece, noting that more than 500 veterans currently reside in the town."

For the rest of the article please go to the Daily Hampshire Gazette - Wednesday March 23 Section B.

Rebecca Fricke, of Amherst, sews blue and gold stars on a banner to honor veterans last week at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst.






Stephanie McFeeters can be reached at